Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation


FTR 101  Basics of Physiotherapy I

This course includes the definition, content and development of the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, physiotherapy and rehabilitation education and application areas, legal regulations, professional practices, team work in the field of health, the concept of communication and factors affecting communication, professional communication skills, research methods in psychology, neuroscience and behavior. Includes information on developmental psychology, social psychology and general and regional superficial anatomy, and correct palpation techniques of the upper extremity.

IEU 100  Orientation and Career Planning

The course will help students recognize the skills needed for university life and their career goals. These skills include self-awareness, goal setting, time management, effective communication, mindfulness and analytical thinking. The course will also raise students’ awareness on problems such as addiction and bullying.

FTR 103  Anatomy I

This course includes basic anatomy knowledge, functions of muscles, bones and appendages in the human body.

ING 105  Academic Skills in English I

This is a compulsory English course which provides basic language skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking at the beginning level.

TURK 100  Turkish

Students will be taught how to use the written and verbal communication tools accurately and efficiently in this course. Various types of verbal and written statements will be examined through a critical point of view by doing exercises on understanding, telling, reading, and writing. Punctuation and spelling rules, which are basis of written statement, will be taught and accurate usage of these rules for efficient and strong expression will be provided. As for verbal statement, students will be taught how to use the body language, use accent and intonation elaborately, and use presentation techniques.

FTR 105  Functional Organization of the Human Body I

This course covers basis of vitality, basic concepts, organization of the body, cell, features of tissues, signal transduction, bioelectric potentials and excitation- contraction coupling.

FTR 107  Physics for Physiotherapy

Within the scope of this course; measurement and unit systems, mechanics and its basic concepts, mechanical properties of matter, features of translational and rotational movements, mechanical properties of skeletal muscle-joint-bone, examination of forces in the body, static balance, work-power and energy, electric fields, electrical potential, direct and alternating current circuits, magnetism, electromagnetic induction will be studied.

HIST 100  Principles of Atatürk and History of Revolution

This course provides a general information of the events from the end of the 19. century until the end of the Turkish War of Independence and the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 and the following period until 1990’s.

ING 106  Academic Skills in English II

This is a compulsory English course which provides basic language skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking at the beginning level.

FTR 102  Basics of Physiotherapy II

This course includes the topics of ethics, morality and deontology concepts, effects of these on health and physiotherapy, clinical ethics, research ethics, ethical issues and their solutions, general and local superficial anatomy information, correct palpation techniques, the developmental psychology, humanist psychological approaches, and the basics of health and clinical psychology.

FTR 104  Anatomy II

This course includes the structure and organization of nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory, endocrine, and genital systems, structure of sense organs and functional neuroanatomy.

FTR 106  Functional Organization of the Human Body II

This course covers the microscopic structures and functions of circulatory, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, urinary, reproductive, sensory and nervous systems and metabolism.

FTR 108  Nutrition for Physiotherapy

Within the scope of this course; the chemical structures, nutritional sources, roles, digestion, absorption and transport processes, deficiencies and toxicity symptoms of macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and water) will be examined in detail. In addition, they will learn the diseases such as diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular diseases that are related to life style changes and exercise. Lastly, nutritional principles before and after exercise will also be discussed.

FTR 110  Functional Movement Development

This course includes terminology and concepts related to normal functional movement development, developmental theories, development of normal and abnormal movement and function, reflex and sensory development, motor development steps and motor development evaluation methods.

FTR 201  Measurement and Evaluation in Physiotherapy

This course includes demographic features and history taking, observation, palpation, posture analysis, shortness tests and flexibility assessment, anthropometric measurements, normal joint movement assessment, muscle strength assessment, sensory, balance, coordination assessments, assessments of the cardiac and pulmonary system, functional status and quality of life assessments.

FTR 203  Kinesiology I

This course covers; movement and mechanical principles, mechanical properties and pathomechanics of bone, muscle, collagen and cartilage tissue, mechanics and pathomechanics of the upper limb and spine joints.

FTR 205  Electrophysical Agents I

This course covers electrodiagnosis, galvanic current and iontophoresis, medium frequency currents, high frequency currents, physical properties and effects of hot and cold and their applications, physical properties of light and its place in physiotherapy.

FTR 207  Manual Therapy I

This course covers the history of massage, different massage techniques, aims, application principles, effects, classical massage techniques, structure, function, examination of connective tissue, mechanism and application techniques of connective tissue massage (CTM), deep friction massage techniques and pediatric massage techniques.

FTR 209  Exercise Physiology

This course covers cardiovascular system and exercise, cardiovascular regulation, evaluation of functional capacity, measurement of energy capacity, aerobic and anaerobic power training, effects of exercise on pulmonary system and musculoskeletal system.

FTR 211  Physiopathology

This course includes cellular response to stress, cell injury and death, acute and chronic inflammation, tissue repair and wound healing, hemodynamic disorders, thromboembolic diseases, infarction, shock, neoplasia, hypersensitivity reactions and immune system diseases, environmental pathology and nutritional disorders, and nerve, muscle, bone, soft tissue, joint diseases and cardiovascular system diseases.

FTR 213  Clinical Sciences and Pharmacology for Physiotherapists

This course; It includes the findings, classification, diagnosis, course of the disease, and the drugs used in the treatment of these diseases and surgical applications related to common diseases in internal and surgical clinical sciences.

ING 205  Clinical English I

This course is designed for students in health care services to assist them in managing and performing tasks and duties by using the proper English to interact in real life health situations.

FTR 202  Exercise Principles in Physiotherapy

The content of this course is; effects and principles of exercise therapy, classification of exercise and planning and applications of exercise program.

FTR 204  Kinesiology II

This course covers movement and mechanical principles, mechanics and pathomechanics of pelvis and lower extremity joints, balance, orientation, planes and coordinates, normal gait mechanism and pathological causes of gait.

FTR 206  Electrophysical Agents II

This course covers the applications of ultrasound, diadynamic currents, low frequency currents, high voltage intermittent galvanic stimulation, TENS, Russian current, NMES, FES, biofeedback, ESWT, magnetotherapy.

FTR 208  Manual Therapy II

This course covers general information and application principles of manipulation and mobilization techniques, immobilization, stabilization, joint and soft tissue mobilization and manipulative practices in all body parts.

FTR 210  Functional Neuroanatomy

This course covers basic structure and function, and clinical findings in pathologies of peripheric nervous system, spinal cord, brainstem, diencephalon and telencephalon, novel research in movement neuroscience and daily examples related to the function of neuroanatomic structures.

ING 206  Clinical English II

This course is designed for students in health services to enable them to improve their communication and organization skills in the areas of listening, writing, and reading to develop their emerging practical skills in English.

FTR 310  Aquatherapy

In this course, the fluid mechanics used for therapeutic purposes and their effects on different body systems will be discussed. Water specific techniques and the applications of these techniques in healthy and diagnosed individual will be introduced. Land and aquatic treatment programs will be compared and discussed.

FTRST 304  Internship I - Summer Clinical Training I

Internship- Summer Clinical Training includes 20 working days of field experience to be carried out in the institution deemed appropriate by the department applied education commission.

FTR 301  Neurological Rehabilitation

This course covers the clinical features of common neurological diseases such as motion sickness, demyelinating diseases, neuromuscular diseases, clinical features of upper and lower motor neuron interactions in terms of physiotherapy programs to be created, measurement-evaluation specific to diseases and neurophysiological-based treatment applications and students prepare a project.

FTR 303  Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation

This course covers; major heart diseases, evaluation in cardiac rehabilitation, exercise tests used in cardiovascular diseases, phase I-II-III-IV cardiac rehabilitation programs, rehabilitation in peripheral vascular diseases, evaluation methods in pulmonary rehabilitation, and respiratory physiotherapy applications.

FTR 305  Neurophysiological Approaches I

This course covers basic principles of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) techniques, upper and lower extremity patterns in PNF, head-body and neck patterns in PNF, facilitation and inhibition techniques in PNF, introduction to hemiplegic rehabilitation.

FTR 307  Research Design and Biostatistics

This course covers the importance of research, the steps of the research process, research and ethical issues, and basic concepts related to biostatistics.

ING 305  Clinical English III

This course is designed to prepare students to apply their communication skills to interact in real life situations in English.

FTR 302  Pediatric Rehabilitation

This course covers the evaluation and treatment applications specific to physiotherapy and rehabilitation of common childhood diseases such as lower and upper motor lesions, cerebral palsy, torticollis, congenital brachial plexus injuries, risky babies and pervasive developmental disorders.

FTR 304  Orthopedic Rehabilitation

This course covers general treatment principles of fractures and physiotherapy and rehabilitation approaches after various fractures; conservative treatment of conditions causing joint degeneration such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and rehabilitation principles after joint replacement surgery such as endoprostheses; rehabilitation of shoulder joint pathologies such as tendonitis and tears of the rotator cuff, bursitis and periarthritis; Includes knee patellofemoral pain syndrome, rehabilitation of ligament and meniscus injuries.

FTR 306  Neurophysiological Approaches II

This course covers clinical symptoms of stroke and cerebral palsy, concepts in neurodevelopmental approaches, measurement & evaluation and clinical decision-making process, application of therapeutic principles, rehabilitation practices and case studies.

FTR 308  Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation

This course covers general information about upper and lower extremity and trunk orthoses, indications of orthoses, usage areas in daily life, basic information about upper and lower extremity prostheses, selection of suitable prosthesis parts according to different prosthesis types and amputation level, amputee rehabilitation and daily living activities.

ING 306  Clinical English IV

This course is designed for students in health care services to help them improve a professional level of communication.

FTR 312  Evidence-Based Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

This course covers the subjects of evidence-based work in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, evidence hierarchy, limitations, evaluation of evidence, searching for evidence, electronic databases, evidence-based treatment methods in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, and evidence-based studies.

FTR 401  Clinical Training I

This course covers presentations and discussions of clinical practice and case studies to be conducted by considering basic professional knowledge, quality and ethical principles in health in the field of orthopedic, neurological and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation.

FTR 403  Clinical Problem Solving in Physiotherapy

This course covers student group studies on case reports in neurological, orthopedic, pediatric and rheumatic etc. diseases requiring physiotherapy and rehabilitation, compiling by accessing up-to-date information about the disease, planning and discussing treatment practices.

ING 405  Clinical English V

This course is designed for students in health care services to enable them to write effectively while fulfilling tasks and duties.

FTRST 404  Internship II - Summer Clinical Training II

FTR 402  Clinical Training II

This course covers presentations and discussions of clinical practice and case studies to be conducted by considering basic professional knowledge, quality and ethical principles in health in the field of pediatric, orthotics & prosthetics rehabilitation, and sports physiotherapy.

ING 406  Clinical English VI

This course is designed for health sciences students to enable them to document and explain patients’ history and findings by writing effectively and professionally in their field.

FTR 404  Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Elective Courses

FTR 220  Healthy Living and Physical Activity

This course includes the definition of health and basic health, physical activity, exercise, and sports, inactivity, physical fitness, evaluation of physical fitness, exercise training principles, exercise training methods, pre-exercise evaluation, exercise types, exercise prescribing, indications and contraindications of exercise.

FTR 221  Occupational Therapy

The content of this course consists of the role of the occupational therapist in multidisciplinary work, the principles of occupational treatment approach, the arrangements of daily living activities and the principles of transfer activities in different diseases.

FTR 320  Advanced Manual Techniques in Physiotherapy

This course covers the mechanical and physiological effects of different mobilization and manipulation techniques, appropriate evaluation methods, indications, contraindications, and application techniques.

FTR 321  Rheumatologic Rehabilitation

In this course, the pathophysiology of rheumatological diseases and their effects on body systems will be discussed. Evidence-based evaluation and physical therapy applications in different rheumatologic problems will be addressed.

FTR 322  Geriatric Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

In this course, theories of aging, epidemiological characteristics of the elderly population, causes of mortality and morbidity will be discussed reviewing the concept of geriatrics, the geriatric rehabilitation team and the role of the physiotherapist. By addressing the systemic changes that occur with aging, evidence-based practices will be explained for the evaluation and planning of exercise programs required for healthy aging and individual and group exercises suitable for physical activity in advanced age, as well as a physiotherapy program suitable for pathologies.

FTR 323  Imaging techniques in Physiotherapy

This course covers basic concepts in radiology, basic topics in radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, radiology of extremities, spine, and thorax.

FTR 324  Oncologic Rehabilitasyon

This course covers general concepts and multidisciplinary approach in oncological rehabilitation, evaluation of cancer patients, functional and musculoskeletal problems in cancer patients, different types of cancer and case studies.

FTR 325  Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Intensive Care

This course covers, instruction of the Intensive Care Unit, physiotherapy approaches and clinical decision making in intensive care unit together with evaluations of examples from our country and the world.

FTR 326  Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Sports

The content of this course consists of the competencies of the sports physiotherapist, the prevention of sports injuries, physiotherapy and rehabilitation in sports injuries, functional rehabilitation principles and the criteria for returning to sports.

FTR 420  Special Topics in Physiotherapy

This course includes physiotherapy and rehabilitation practices on special topics such as headache, chronic pain syndrome and cancer rehabilitation.

FTR 421  Home Health Services and Physiotherapy

This course covers the definition and historical development, legal regulations of Home Health Services, and the role of the physiotherapist in the world and in Turkey with examples.

FTR 422  Vestibular Rehabilitation

This course covers the anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system, adaptation and compensation, the role of the vestibular system in postural control, and evaluation and treatment approaches in vestibular problems.

FTR 423  Women's and Men's Health in Physiotherapy

This course includes the definition and classification of the problems covered by physiotherapy in women's and men's health, preventive approaches, selection of different physiotherapy approaches that can be applied and the application principles of these approaches.

HS 301  Disability and Rehabilitation

Handicap is a phenomenon that people come across not only in the face of diseases, but also in developmental periods of childhood, elderly, and even during pregnancy because of sociocultural deficits and lack of regulations. In order to follow a holistic treatment approach, it is important for health professionals to know the physical and environmental adaptations for decreasing the physical limitations, legal regulations, family lives and social adjustment of handicapped individuals, and to improve their communication skills with handicapped individuals.

HUK 467  Health Care Law

Legal rules and practice about healthcare law in the light of “right to health” in relation of “right to live”, comparatively in national and international law.

İMT 310  Turkish Sign Language*

In this course, the history, alphabet, and basic concepts of Turkish Sign Language will be taught. Within the framework of this course, hearing individuals will be educated on sign language as a visual language, enabling them to have basic knowledge of the sign language to help deaf individuals in a variety of community settings such as hospitals, schools, courtrooms or police stations.

MI 370  Gender and Media

SB 220  Health Promotion

This course includes health related concepts, the dimensions of health, conditions and risk factors affecting health, health protection and promotion and the role of the nurse, healthy lifestyle behaviors, quality of life, holistic health, theories and models of health and health promotion, national and international health organizations, health promotion policies and strategies, development of health behaviors in society and health education.

SB 230  Speaking and Presentation Skills

This course includes theoretical knowledge and practices on effective speaking and presentation techniques.

SB 344  Movement and Dance

This course covers the meaning of movement and dance, its functions, health effects, communication, expression and empathy.

SB 360  Disability and Society

Handicap is a phenomenon that people come across not only in the face of diseases, but also in developmental periods of childhood, elderly, and even during pregnancy because of sociocultural deficits and lack of regulations. In order to follow a holistic treatment approach, it is important for health professionals to know the physical and environmental adaptations for decreasing the physical limitations, legal regulations, family lives and social adjustment of handicapped individuals, and to improve their communication skills with handicapped individuals.

YMİ 460  Language and Pronunciation in Communication*

Students will learn how to control their diction and pronunciation and then practice in several forms of speech. *This course could be taken without its credits being included in the total ECTS credits by the students who are enrolled in undergraduate programs in English. This course could be taken with its credits being included in the total ECTS credits by the students who are enrolled in undergraduate programs in Turkish.



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